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Cosmetic Dentistry

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a term used to describe the field of dentistry, which deals with treatments that enhances the appearance of one’s teeth, gums or bite. Cosmetic dentistry is considered to be a formal specialty area of dentistry by the American Dental Association. The two dental specialty streams that predominantly focus on dental cosmetics are prosthodontics and orthodontics.

What credentials should I look for when choosing a cosmetic dentist?

You should know whether the dentist you are going to consult is an accredited professional or not. Finding the best cosmetic dentist is a difficult task. Ask your friends or relatives whether they are familiar with any good cosmetic dentist. You can even go for a web search to find out your doctor. When you choose a cosmetic dentist, his experience in the field and past stories of successful treatments can be the two important criteria for selecting the right one.

How can I get straighter teeth without braces?

The best option for you is to choose an Invisalign. They are becoming more popular nowadays. Invisalign does not have wires and brackets. Instead, they consist of series of plastic trays (like retainers). You may have to wear them only for short periods of time.


What are Dentures?

Dentures are used to replace missing teeth. There are different types of dentures and can be chosen according to the requirements of the patient.

I want dentures, where do I start?

You should start with consulting your dentist. He will help you to choose the right type of dentures for you.

How can I whiten my dentures?

You can use denture whitening products to whiten your dentures. They are available in the market. You can even use baking soda if other products are unavailable to you. Coffee and smoking may stain your dentures. If you wish to maintain your dentures white and clean, you should avoid using stain-causing items.

Crown , Bridges & Veneers

What is a crown?

The tooth-shaped cap used placed over a mouth to restore the strength, shape, size and to improve the appearance of the tooth is called a crown. Dental crowns are very common nowadays. They are classified according to the material used for making the crown.

Crown Procedures & Management

Fitting the crown is not a simple procedure. It may require many visits. During the first visit, the dentist will check the tooth and prepare the tooth for the crown. A temporary crown will be fitted until you get the permanent one. The dentist will remove the temporary crown and fit the permanent crown during the second visit. He/she will make the tooth numb and cement the permanent crown in the right place. You may have to go for follow up checkups after that according to the suggestions of the doctor.

Why should get a Bridge?

Dental bridges are used to restore the gap between teeth made by the missing teeth. Getting a bridge may have various causes that are:

  • Aesthetic reason (in order to make your smile more beautiful)
  • To restore the ability to speak and chew properly
  • To keep up the shape of the face
  • To prevent the existing teeth from drifting out of position.

What is an option for replacing defective filling?

Technology has advanced a lot and there are number of materials and choices of tooth restoration available nowadays. Tooth fillings can be made of different materials. Now, patients can choose the type of filling he/she wish to have. This is known as option for replacing defective filling. Patients can choose the material to replace their decayed or worn teeth.

What are veneers?

Veneers are thin, custom made shells of tooth-colored materials placed over the tooth. They are usually made up of porcelain or resin composite materials. They are bonded to the worn out or discolored teeth in order to give them natural look and make them more beautiful

When would I need a veneer?

You may need veneer due to different reasons-mostly cosmetic. It may include:

  • Tooth discoloration
  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Teeth with gaps
  • Teeth that are worn down and
  • Teeth that are uneven, irregularly shaped and misaligned

What are the advantages of porcelain teeth veneers?

Porcelain teeth veneers can give more natural look than that of the other materials. It will provide more strength and resilience to the teeth. Porcelain veneers best choice for those who want to make slight position alterations or to change tooth size, color and shape. It can give the aesthetic perfection that you desire.

How long will it take to have my teeth veneers fitted?

It will take one to two weeks to get the veneers prepared. The bonding procedure may take almost one hour to complete.

How long should my dental veneers last?

Usually, veneers last for five to ten years. It may need to be replaced after that.

How to take care of your veneers?

Veneers does not require any special care. You should continue proper oral practices to protect your teeth. You can go for normal practices such as brushing, flossing etc. If you use porcelain veneers, you may be suggested to avoid stain-causing beverages and food items.

Geriatric Dentistry

What is Geriatric Dentistry?

Also known as geriodontics, this branch concerns with the dental care of older adults. This includes various components like diagnosis, management & prevention of dental diseases among the older persons. The prevalence of many dental disorders among this category has necessitated the establishment of a separate branch in dentistry.

How should I care for my teeth as I get older?

As you get older, there are chances of many dental conditions for cropping up. This condition can, however, be managed by practicing good oral habits. It is very much relevant for the older persons to brush twice daily, particularly during night. Methods like flossing can also be beneficial in this regard. If you have any specific dental problem, the consultation with a dentist can help you in tailoring the oral habits.

What else can I do to maintain good oral health?

There are also other things that you can do to maintain good oral health. One of these considerations that can be beneficial is to modify the food habits that promote oral health. Include vegetables & fruits that have necessary nutrients & minerals, which strength the teeth and associated structures. In addition, it is necessary for you to keep away from ill habits such as excessive alcohol and tobacco use etc. For knowing more about other measures, please consult your dentist!

My Teeth height is decreasing. What are my treatments options?

The dimensions of your tooth very much affect the smile considerably. The height/width ratio of the tooth determines if the teeth dimension is correct or not. A low value height/width ratio indicates that the tooth is square. A high value, therefore, indicates that the tooth is longer than usual. In these cases, veneers can be helpful. Veneers are materials that are used to cover the surface of the tooth. They can be made from various materials like resin, porcelain etc. Affixing these into the long teeth needs proper dental assistance and treatment.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

What is full mouth rehabilitation?

Full mouth rehabilitation concerns with the rejuvenation or reconstruction of tooth in mouth. Such a treatment becomes necessary when the teeth become broken, torn etc. Problems like bite issues, issues with mouth appearance etc can be corrected using full mouth rehabilitation.

What are the Treatments offering for Full mouth rehabilitation?

  • Full mouth rehabilitation is a combination of different subcategories of dentistry. Some of these sub-specialties include the following:
    • Preventive dentistry.
    • Periodontics, that concerns with the treatment of gum disease.
    • Prosthodontics. This stream includes crowns, porcelain, dentures, bridges etc.
    • Dental occlusion.
    • Cosmetic dentistry, includes various procedures like smile makeover, teeth whitening etc.
    • Dental laser.
    • Orthodontics.

Do I need Full Mouth Rehabilitation How do you know if you need full mouth rehabilitation?

  • Full mouth rehabilitation can be a solution for many problems. A person is a candidate for full mouth rehabilitation if he/she has the following issues:
    • Teeth those are broken, worn, cracked or chipped.
    • TMJ problems (Temporo Mandibular Joint).
    • Tooth loss.
    • Pain in the neck, faces, back and shoulder pain.
    • Remedy for migraine or headache.
    • Solutions for unexplained numbness in arms & fingers.
    • Vertigo.
    • Unexplained ear stiffness.

    A consultation with an expert dentist is mandatory for deciding whether the patient has to undergo this treatment or not. Full mouth rehabilitation does not mean the optional observance of dental habits. These habits need to be regularly practiced to ensure a good oral status after treatment.

What procedures are needed for Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

At first, the function of jaw muscles is examined. Both relaxed & stretched positions are examined. If any abnormality is found in this context, the doctor might perform the remedial measures. One such measure is the introduction of an appliance that modifies the bite of patient in an appropriate way. If the patient does not want to use such an appliance, then he/she can resort to full mouth rehabilitation. The rehabilitative procedures are then done according the patient’s dental status. Compared to the former method, full mouth rehabilitation takes very less time to restore the teeth.

Pediatric Dentistry

What is Pediatric Dentistry?

Pediatric dentistry deals with the dental treatments and diagnosis of children from toddlers to adolescents.

When should I schedule my child’s first visit?

It is recommended to take your child to a dentist when the first tooth appears. It will help you to protect your child from dental problems. You can also get guidelines from the doctor to make your child’s oral health better.

What guidelines will help children remain cavity free?

Teach your child to follow good oral practices. Make sure that, your child uses fluoridates tooth paste and brushes twice a day. Teach the child to floss properly. Try to get him/her enough fluoridated water and products. Get your child to the dentist to have proper dental check ups at least twice a year.Tips for helping children develop positive dental habits.

  • Teach your child to brush properly and twice a day
  • Make him/her to learn the best way of flossing
  • Make them aware of the importance of cleaning the mouth after every snack or meal
  • Use mouth rinses that contain fluoride. But, be careful not to allow them to take too much fluoride.
  • Avoid food items that can harm your child’s tooth.

How important is a child’s diet in the prevention of cavities?

Diet has an important role in developing and preventing the cavities. A balanced diet is very important to prevent cavities. What they eat and how often they eat will affect the health of their teeth. Usually children have the habit of snacking intermittently. It is crucial to clean the mouth after every snack. Another thing is that to avoid sugary items that can cause cavities.

Dental Implants

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are frames, metal posts & other structures. These devices provide a strong foundation for the fixed or removable replacement teeth. In most cases, these are positioned surgically into the areas beneath the gums, into the jawbones. Dental implants can be fabricated using several materials, depending upon which their lifespan vary.

Who is a good candidate for dental implants?

For getting the maximum use of dental implants, the patient needs to maintain good oral hygiene. The health of bone in the jaw should be sufficient to support the implant. A person is a candidate for dental implants if he/she has the following conditions:

  • If a single/multiple tooth is missing.
  • If the set of teeth is missing. Implants can be used in place of dentures.

A full mouth examination is needed before deciding if dental implants needs to be fixed or not. Such an examination can help the dentist to identify the dental conditions.

What are the pros and cons of dental implants?

The major advantages of dental implants are as follows:

  • Improved speech & appearance: Dental implants are designed such that they very much resemble the natural tooth. Compared to dentures, dental implants are very much tight and compact. Hence, dental implants allow us to speak more clearly.
  • Improved oral health: When these dental implants are fitted, more tooth portions is left unaffected. They hence do not cause disturbance to the existing structure. This leads to improved oral health.
  • Durability & convenience: The durability of dental implants is very high compared other appliances. Dental implants do not need the use of messy glues to keep them intact. However, existing devices like dentures requires such paraphernalia.

These implants also have some disadvantages, which are:

  • Long healing time: In general, dental implants have a long healing time. During the healing stage, the person can experience negative psychological effects, such as pain & worry.
  • Sinus cavity damage: The bone that is used to support the dental implant is lined to the sinus cavity. Therefore, any disturbance or damage to this bone can further affect the sinus cavity.

Classifications of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are broadly classified into 2 categories. These are:Endosteal implants: The word ‘endosteal’ refer to ‘in the bone’. Hence, they are surgically inserted into the jawbone. Either a single or multiple prosthetic teeth can be supported by an implant. For those individuals with removable dentures like bridges, these can be beneficial.Subperiosteal implant: These are implants that are placed ‘on the bone’. In these implants, the post of the metal framework protrudes through the gum so as to hold the prosthesis in the correct position.

Why we do dental Implants?

Dental implants are one of the natural tooth replacements developed. Many people opt these implants to correct the teeth loss due to disease, injury related tooth disorder etc. Dental implants can also be placed if the patient is not so much satisfied with the existing oral apparatus like loose dentures, bridges etc.

What is the success of dental implants?

The success rate of dental implants depends upon various factors. In general dental implants have a success rate of 75% & above. For actually knowing the success rate, the stability of the implants has to be achieved and maintained

Do Dental Implants last?

Dental implants of sufficient quality can last even for a lifetime, if they are maintained properly. Therefore, maintenance and quality of these implants are decisive factors that determine the implant lifespan.

What factors contribute to long-term success of dental implants?

Long term success of dental implants depends up on many factors. The first thing is the quality and quantity of bone. After fitting, it is your duty to keep it firm and clean. Bacterial infections can affect the life of dental implants. You may have to avoids habits such as smoking and bruxism in order to avoid the problems such as bone loss and gum disease. Your general health can also affect the life of dental implants. Choosing a good surgeon can be a factor that can determine the long-term success of the dental implants.

How often will I need to have my dental implants checked?

The life of dental implants may depend upon how well you maintain them. They should be cleaned and checked properly by the dentist every three or four months to ensure its life.

What is the relative cost of dental implants?

The cost of dental implants may vary according to the surgical procedure used and the doctor’s fees.

Is the placement of Implants painful? How long does it take?

No. The procedure of placing implants is not painful. The procedure will be done under local anesthetic and you will not have to face any kind of discomfort during the period. It may take 30 minutes to 3-4 hours to complete the procedure

How are implants better than conventional dentures?

Implants are more aesthetic and easier to maintain when compared to that of the conventional dentures. You may feel difficulty while eating certain food items using conventional dentures. Whereas, you may not have to face such kinds of difficulties using implants. Implants are better than that of conventional dentures in many aspects.

Root Canal Treatments

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is one of the procedures used for preserving the infected tooth. In such a treatment, the infected or damaged tooth pulp is removed and the associated structure is cleansed. After doing these procedures, the empty canals are filled.

When is root canal treatment necessary?

Root canal treatment becomes a necessity when the pulp gets infected or inflamed. These can be caused due to various factors like repeated toot procedures, deep decay, faulty appliances like crowns etc. Traumatic conditions can also trigger the inflammation/infection of pulp, thus making this treatment a necessity.

How is root canal treatment performed?

Firstly, a local anesthetic is given to the specific portion of the tooth. This is followed by the removal of pulp using appropriate apparatus. The inside portions of the tooth under the gum line is filled with appropriate temporary materials, medicines etc. A permanent filling is then needed after this procedure. An example of a permanent filling is crown.

Will the tooth be safe after root canal treatment?

Yes. There will not be much issues after root canal treatment. The treated tooth may require a crown to give it an extra strength and support. You should also have to maintain proper oral hygiene.

How much does root canal treatment cost?

The cost of root canal treatment may depend upon various elements. The doctor whom you choose for the treatment will be able to tell you the cost for the treatment. It may vary according to the procedures used in the treatment. The severity of your problem will also constitute an element that can affect the cost of the treatment.

I came for filling, don’t have any pain, and the doctor told me that I need root canal treatments, Why?

It may not possible to treat deep cavities only with simple filling. Fillings are meant for mild and moderate cavities. Your cavity may be severe. When it is severe, the pulp chamber may be affected. This will cause teeth decay and cannot be completely cured with fillings. This may be the reason why your doctor suggested you a root canal treatment.

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